Management of geo-environmental risks
Development and implementation of methods and models for the analysis of geotechnical and geo-environmental risks
Design and assessment of geotechnical and geo-environmental risk mitigation scenarios using traditional and natural solutions
Analysis of the effects of climate change on geotechnical and geoenvironmental systems and adaptation design
Support for decision analysis for the management of geotechnical and geo-environmental risks
Zoning of danger, vulnerability and geotechnical and geoenvironmental risk in a GIS environment

Design and Works Management aimed at the implementation of geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering interventions
Naturalistic geotechnical design (nature-based solutions)
Design of geotechnical land improvement interventions
Stability and kinematics analysis of embankments, natural and artificial slopes
Seismic hazard analysis
Seismic zoning and microzonation
Local seismic response analysis
Analysis of susceptibility to seismic liquefaction and estimate of the induced effects
Soil-structure interaction analysis in dynamic conditions
Planning, supervision and interpretation of geotechnical surveys in the static and dynamic field
Geotechnical engineering

Statistical and probabilistic analysis of geotechnical and geoenvironmental data
Geostatistical analysis and spatialization of geotechnical and geo-environmental data
Application of machine learning to geotechnical and geoenvironmental analyzes
"Data-driven" geotechnical and geo-environmental characterization
Software development for the quantitative analysis of geo-environmental risks and geotechnical engineering
Development of GIS platforms and synergize with software for scientific computing
Data analysis